Thursday, February 9, 2017

Help Please.

School, school,and more school. I don't mind it at all honestly but multitasking has been difficult. Actually in all honesty I'm pretty proud of myself for even going to school.It's like showing my parents I can live on my own and still care about my career. My dad never got the opportunity to go to college,so he assumes its not as hard as I say it is. That's the problem with everything and my number one pet peeve. How can someone have an opinion on something they don't know about. I'm not saying its a bad thing but it does get annoying.

I just which sometimes we got a break. Starting to regret those kindergarten naps I was so against, but at the end of the day I know I need to continue to push for my degree which is communications to prove not only to my parents especially my dad but to myself that I can do it. In all fairness I appreciate my parents for pushing me to go to school, if you have the opportunity to go to college TAKE IT, you won't regret it.

Take the chance.

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